How to Increase your Breast Milk?

Possible Causes of Low Milk Supply

These things can lead to or contribute to a low milk supply:

  • Extra charge. Care is a process of supply and demand. The milk produced when the baby is breastfeeding and the amount of breastfeeding help to know your body, the amount of milk needed. Every bottle (formula, juice or water) your baby receives means that your body receives the signal to produce a lot less milk.
  • Favorite bottle. A bottle requires a different suction method than breastfeeding, and it’s easier for your baby to express milk from a bottle. Therefore, a baby bottle can cause difficulty in sucking the baby’s breast properly or promote the constant and rapid flow of the bottle.
  • Lollipop. Pacifiers can affect the baby’s closure. You can also significantly reduce the time your baby spends in the chest, which can reduce your milk production.
  • Nipple shields can be a useful tool in some cases, but they can also reduce nipple stimulation or disrupt milk transfer, which can disrupt the cycle of supply and demand.
  • Scheduled entries disrupt the supply and demand cycle of milk production and can lead to a decrease in supply, sometimes several months later. Give breastfeed your baby whenever he is hungry.
  • Sleeping baby. During the first few weeks, some babies are very sleepy and rarely ask for breastfeeding. woke up the baby and had a good start to breastfeed, he must be stopped at least every two hours during the day and at least every four hours during the night to ensure the supply of milk.
  • Reduce breastfeeding time. Stopping feeding before your baby can feed can affect the cycle of supply and demand. In addition, your milk increases fat later in the diet, which helps the baby gain weight and stay in the diet longer.
  • Offer only one breast per diet. This is good if your milk supply is well established and your baby is gaining weight. If you are trying to increase your milk production, have the baby finish the first page and offer the second page.
  • Health or anatomical problems with the baby (such as jaundice, Zungenligatur etc.) can prevent baby milk removed from the breast, which reduces milk production.
  • health (uncontrolled anemia or hypothyroidism, placental retention, postpartum hemorrhage …) of the mother, surgery / previous breast lesion, hormonal problems (eg PCOS), anatomical problems, medications (contraception hormonal, Sudafed.) or smoking also have potential to influence milk supply.

Increase your Milk Production

Increase your Breast Milk Production

Milk production is a process of demand and supply. If you need to increase the amount of milk, it is important to understand how milk is produced: understanding this will help you do the right thing to increase production.

To speed up milk production and increase overall milk consumption, it is important to pump more milk out of the chest, so often that less milk builds up between the breasts.

OK, now on things that can help increase your milk production:

  • Make sure the baby is breastfeeding effectively. This is the part of “Eliminate More Milk” to increase milk production. If the milk is not effectively removed from the breast, the volume of breast milk will decrease. If positioning and insurance are turned off, it is likely that the baby will not transfer the milk effectively. A sleeping baby, the use of shields for nipples or various health or anatomy problems in the baby can also interfere with the baby’s ability to transfer milk. For a baby who is not breastfeeding effectively, trying to empty breast milk properly is like trying to empty a pool with a straw. It can take forever. Ineffective milk transfer can prevent the baby from getting enough milk or breastfeeding almost constantly to get enough milk. If the baby is not carrying the milk well, it is important for the mother to pump the milk after and / or between feeds to maintain milk supply while addressing breastfeeding issues.

You do not need to consume special or other foods while breastfeeding.

Only do your best to follow a balanced diet that is a combination of healthy foods. A balanced diet includes:

There are foods with starches such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice. Choose whole grain varieties of foods rich in cereal starch to add nutrients and fiber.

  • Some dairy products, like a yogurt or a glass of milk. 
  • Some proteins, such as lean meat, fish, eggs or legumes.
  • Many fruits and vegetables.

If you have a baby, food may be the last thing you think about or forget to eat. But you must maintain your energy level if you are a new mother.

  • Nurse often and while your baby is actively nursing. Remember, you want to pump more breast milk and do it often. If the baby has difficulty gaining weight, try breastfeeding at least every 1.5-2 hours during the day and at least every 3 hours at night.
  • Take care of leave, take the baby to bed for 2-3 days, and do not do more than breastfeeding (often!) And rest (you can also eat!).
  • Offer both sides in each diet. Have the baby finish the first page and offer the second page.
  • Change as a nurse. Change sideways 3 times or more each time you eat, switching to “comfortable” sucking or losing interest each time the baby falls asleep. Use each page at least twice per feed. Use breast compression to keep babies fed longer. For instructions, see the report of Dr. Ing. Jack Newman checking the consumption of breast milk. This can be especially helpful for sleeping or distracted babies.
  • Avoid lollipops and bottles, if possible. All the baby’s suction needs to be met in the chest (see above). If a temporary supplement is medically necessary, it may be administered with a supplemented person or with a spoon, cup or dropper (see alternative feeding methods).
  • Give your baby only breast milk. Avoid all solids, water and preparation when the baby is less than six months old, and consider reducing solids when the baby is older. If you use more than a few ounces of preparation a day, we will gradually wean the supplements to stimulate your breasts to produce more milk.
  • Take care of the mother. Rest when the baby sleeps. Relax Drink liquids to thirst (do not force liquids, drink plenty of water, do not increase intake) and follow a reasonably balanced diet.
  • Consider pumping. Adding pumps after or between sessions can be very helpful: pumping is very important if the baby is not breastfeeding or breastfeeding often, and can speed things up in any situation. Your goal in pumping is to extract more milk from the breasts and / or increase the frequency of breast emptying. When pumping to increase the milk supply to ensure that the pump draws the optimum amount of milk from the breast, continue pumping during the last drop of milk for 2 to 5 minutes. However, it is advisable to add even a short extraction session (increase in frequency, but the milk may not be completely eliminated).
  • Consider a galactagogue. A substance (grass, prescription drugs, etc.) that increases milk intake is called galactagogue.

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Doctor Joey

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